
Welcome to Prayer for Oslo 2025!

Prayer for Oslo 2025 is from January 5th through the 8th.

Since 2001, Prayer for Oslo (PfO) has every year gathered together a broad range of Christian churches in Oslo for the purpose of praying together. We have seen hundreds of people with hearts for Oslo participate in the different events that take place over the course of the days of Prayer for Oslo.

You will find the program for this year’s Prayer for Oslo below.


Sunday, January 5th - Wednesday, January 8th

Sunday January 5th: 

Filadelfiakirken, St. Olavsgate 24

7:00-9:00 PM - Opening Service - Prayer, Worship and Inspiration!

Speaker: Mats Nyholm, St:a Clara kyrkan in Stockholm


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday January 6-8:

Oslo Sentrum Baptistkirke, Hausmannsgate 22:

9:00-11:00 AM - Morning prayer with breakfast for pastors, priests and Church leaders.

Registration for breakfast HERE. (Suggested price NOK. 60,- payment at arrival)

11:30 AM -1:00 PM - Mid-day prayer with "prayer school" and led prayer. Open to all.

Prayer school Monday: Mats Nyholm, St:a Clara kyrkan in Stockholm

Prayer school Tuesday: Geir Gundersen, writer og councellor at Loyola senter - St. Josephsøstrene in Oslo

Bønneskole onsdag: Andreas Nordli, YWAM


Storsalen menighet, Staffeldtsgate 4:

Kl. 2:00-3:00 PM – Silent prayer

Kl. 5:00-6:30 PM - Afternoon prayer. Open to all (Tuesday and Wednesday)

Kl. 7:00-9:00 - Evening gathering. Prayer in different forms, worship and inspiration. Open to all.

Monday speaker: Egil Svartdahl, Filadelfiakirken

Tuesday speaker: Zoé Kristiansen Skjæraasen, Troens Bevis

Wednesday speaker: Andreas Nordli, YWAM


Monday January 6th:

5:00-6:30 PM- Middag for prester, pastorer og hovedledere.

Registration and further information HERE.


*The program is subject to changes.


What is Prayer for Oslo?

Prayer for Oslo has taken place yearly since 2001 and gathers together hundreds of people every year in prayer for our city. In 2015 a special committee was tasked with creating a mission statement for Prayer for Oslo. Here is what the Mission Statement says: 


·       We believe that God hears people’s prayers.

·       We believe that God acts on people’s prayers.

·       We belong to Oslo and are a part of Jesus’ church here in the city.

·       We commit ourselves to Him in prayer for our city and in our lives.


Statement of Purpose  

Christians gathered together in prayer for Oslo, to the blessing of the city, and for the equipment and inspiration for believers.


Common Goals

·       To understand the pain and needs in Oslo and the city’s meaning for this country.

·       To hear what God wants to say to the city and the church.

·       Guide people into safe experiences of who God is through a multitude of the church’s expressions of prayer (we also acknowledge worship as prayer, referring to “Our Father in heaven, hallowed by Your name”.)

·       To contribute to church unity in the city

·       To strengthen churches in their works of prayer. 

Theme for 2025

During Prayer for Oslo we pray for all of Oslo's inhabitants and for everything that is happening in the city. We pray as in the Lord's Prayer that God's kingdom would come and His will would be done on earth as it is in heaven. We are convinced that the gospel of Jesus is good news for alle people in every way.

On October 24, 2024, the "Oslo Monitor 2.0" was presented. It provides an overview of the city's spiritual, social, and cultural situation from a church perspective. This report is prepared by Beveg Oslo on behalf of several of the city's congregations and will form the basis for part of what we will highlight in prayer. The report provides a good overview of the city's needs and what the churches are doing, while also challenging the churches in Oslo to collaborate on some specific areas.

Oslo Monitor 2.0 can be downloaded HERE (Norwegian only).

In 2025, the proceeds from the collections during Prayer for Oslo will also go towards the work of Beveg Oslo. They will continue to conduct ANALYSIS of the city’s spiritual, social, and cultural condition, bringing together churches, organizations, and business leaders around a common AGENDA—how we, as the Church, can alleviate more of Oslo's pain, increase church engagement, train more Christian community builders, and facilitate shared ARENAS for the various actors. Read more about Beveg Oslo here.

The themes throughout the week will reflect the core mission of this work in the following way:

  • Monday – Church Unity
  • Tuesday – The City’s Social Pain
  • Wednesday – The Church’s Mission